Al-Jahiz and “The Book of Animals”

Al-Jahiz lived, during one of the most exciting times of intellectual history – the period of the transmission of Greek science to the Arabs and the development of Arabic prose literature -and was intimately involved in both.
They shoot historians, don’t they? by Nasser Rabbat

Media outlets around the world have grown increasingly indifferent to the brutality of the ongoing war in Syria, numbed by more than four years of senseless killing and destruction in that cursed country. But a recent attack finally touched a raw nerve among global literati, for the victim is someone with whom they can identify.
Mohammed Ali Pasha, Kavala 1769 – Cairo 1849

Mohammed Ali, the founder of the dynasty which ruled Egypt until 1952, and a major political figure of his time, was born in Kavala in 1769. He was involved in the tobacco trade and promoted in the army. He was a brave and ambitious man, who assumed a leading role in developments in Egypt upon […]